At-Turost : Journal of Islamic Studies 2024-05-10T17:23:27+00:00 Azisi Open Journal Systems <p><strong>At-Turost : Journal of Islamic Studies</strong>&nbsp;is a peer-reviewed journal to discuss and spread original and critical analysis on various islamic studies issues. The journal publishes articles of interest to&nbsp;researchers. This journal encompasses research articles, original research report, reviews in islamic studies in any fields including: 1) Education, 2) Economy, 3) Law, 5) Social, 4) Health, 5) Communication, 6) Technology, etc.</p> <p>All articles will be reviewed by experts before accepted for publication. Each author is solely responsible for the content of published articles.</p> <p><strong>At-Turost : Journal of Islamic Studies</strong>&nbsp;is published by Nurul Huda College of Islamic Studies, Peleyan, Kapongan, Situbondo East Java, Indonesia, with ISSN:&nbsp;<a href=";1344320679&amp;1&amp;&amp;">2086-3179</a>&nbsp;and e-ISSN:&nbsp;<a href=";1495876888&amp;1&amp;&amp;">2581-1622</a>&nbsp;.</p> MODERNISASI PONDOK PESANTREN DALAM MEMBANGUN MASYARAKAT MADANI (STUDI KASUS PONDOK PESANTREN JAM'IYATUL ULUM SELOGODIG WETAN PROBOLINGGO) 2024-05-10T08:24:58+00:00 Herwati Herwati Ainol Ainol <p><em>The modernization of Jam’iyatul Ulum Selogodig Wetan Probolinggo Islamic Boarding School &nbsp;is an approach for long-term solutions to various problems of Muslims today and in the future. Therefore, the modernization of Jam’iyatul Ulum Selogodig Wetan Probolinggo Boarding School &nbsp;is an important part of the birth of modern Islamic civilization. However, the results of the modernization of &nbsp;Jam’iyatul Ulum Selogodig Wetan ProbolinggoIslamic Boarding School &nbsp;cannot be felt in just one or two days, but it requires a long process that will at least take about two generations. As a long process, The modernization of Jam’iyatul Ulum Selogodig Wetan ProbolinggoIslamic Boarding School requires a clear and definite conceptual framework, so that it can lead to ideal Islamic Boarding School. In the last decade, there has been a shift experienced by Islamic Boarding School. The Jam’iyatul Ulum Selogodig Wetan Probolinggo Islamic Boarding School, which is more familiarly known as the JMU, places a high priority on the quality of the students. The implementation of modernization of Islamic boarding schools in building civil society at the Jam’iyatul Ulum Selogodig Wetan ProbolinggoIslamic Boarding School , namely Kiai is no longer the only source of learning. The variety of new learning sources is getting higher, the dynamic of communication between the Islamic Boarding School, education system and other systems allows students to learn from many sources. Almost all Islamic Boarding School provide formal education. There is a need for students to have diplomas and mastery of certain skills. There is a tendency for students to study science and technology. Learn with education costs and living costs in each month or quarter. Seeing the historical background and typology of Islamic Boarding School, the characteristics and dynamics of the development of pesantren as a unique Islamic educational institution will directly or indirectly face the challenges of the times. The development of science has become an integral part in the efforts of Islamic boarding schools to respond to the challenges of the times.</em></p> 2022-03-04T14:45:46+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Muhammadiyah Masa Orde Lama: Kiprah Pergerakan Politik Muhammadiyah Pada Era Pemerintahan Orde Lama Tahun 1945 – 1966 2024-05-10T08:24:59+00:00 Alam Mahadika <p><em>This paper discusses the gait of the Muhammadiyah political movement in the Old Order era of 1945-1966. The research method used is historical research that examines past events, including heuristics, source criticism, interpretation, and historiography, with data reduction analysis: data, presentation, conclusion, and verification. The findings of Muhammadiyah's political progress during the Old Order period, which mainly played a role in the formulation of the actual state, were the representative of Muhammadiyah, Ki Bagus Hadikusumo, an Islamic Nationalist figure who fought for the establishment of Islamic law in the formulation of the primary state. Ki Bagus Hadikusumo did not want the formation of an Indonesian state as an Islamic state, but a form that contains Islamic law, where leaders have good morals as implied in the Al-Quran and Sunnah. After that, Muhammadiyah also took an active role in the Masyumi political party. Masyumi Muhammadiyah Party gave its political aspirations based on Islam because three things marked Muhammadiyah's activities within Masyumi, firstly the number of Muhammadiyah people in the management of PP Masyumi tended to rise and remain above The previous 50% was below 50% (1945) and below 30% (1949). In the management of Masjumi in 1951, 1952, and 1954, Muhammadyah's contributions were 56%, 54%, 53%, respectively. After that, the contestation for the first general election in Indonesia in 1955, siding with Muhammadiyah, remained in the Masyumi Party, the second winner. The number of votes fell by 114,267 compared to the election for members of the House of Representatives.</em></p> 2022-03-04T14:54:43+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PERSELISIHAN DAN PERTENGKARAN ANTARA SUAMI DAN ISTRI MENJADI FAKTOR PERCERAIAN 2024-05-10T08:24:59+00:00 Dwi Dasa Suryantoro Ainur Rofiq <p>Faktor penyebab perceraian pada pernikahan adalah pertengkaran dan perselisihan terus menerus dalam kehidupan rumah tangga, perselisihan dan pertengkaran dikenal dengan sebutan syiqaq yaitu perselisihan dan pertengkaran yang hebat dan berkelanjutan antara suami-istri yang tidak dapat diketahui siapa yang salah dan siapa yang benar, sehingga sulit untuk mencari jalan keluarnya.&nbsp; Penyebab perselisihan dan pertengkaran dapat dimulai dari pihak suami ataupun istri, apabila perselisihan disebabkan oleh suami yang melakukan kesalahan, tentu istri lebih dominan untuk meredam perselisihan tersebut dengan memaafkan suami dan berjanji bahwa suami tidak akan mengulangi kesalahan itu lagi. Demikian pula apabila penyebabnya bermula dari pihak istri suami yang akan menetukan berlanjut tidaknya perselisihan tersebut</p> <p>Faktor penyebab perceraian pada pernikahan adalah pertengkaran dan perselisihan terus menerus dalam kehidupan rumah tangga, perselisihan dan pertengkaran dikenal dengan sebutan syiqaq yaitu perselisihan dan pertengkaran yang hebat dan berkelanjutan antara suami-istri yang tidak dapat diketahui siapa yang salah dan siapa yang benar, sehingga sulit untuk mencari jalan keluarnya. Penyebab perselisihan dan pertengkaran dapat dimulai dari pihak suami ataupun istri, apabila perselisihan disebabkan oleh suami yang melakukan kesalahan, tentu istri lebih dominan untuk meredam perselisihan tersebut dengan memaafkan suami dan berjanji bahwa suami tidak akan mengulangi kesalahan itu lagi. Demikian pula apabila penyebabnya bermula dari pihak istri suami yang akan menetukan berlanjut tidaknya perselisihan tersebut</p> 2022-03-10T15:53:15+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENINGKATAN PEMAHAMAN MATERI BANGUN DATAR MELALUI BAHAN AJAR AUDIO VISUAL BERBASIS MACROMEDIA FLASH PADA SISWA KELAS IV MI AMANATUL IZZAH CANGKRING KREMBUNG SIDOARJO 2024-05-10T08:24:59+00:00 Nurul Makrifah Nur Latifah <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><em>The understanding of grade IV students of MI Amanatul Izzah on the material of flat shapes is included in the low category with pre-cycle scores of 10 grade IV students only 30% who complete the student understanding test. The solution to overcome these problems is through macromedia flash-based audio-visual teaching materials. The research objectives: 1) To find out the application of macromedia flash-based audio-visual teaching materials in improving the understanding of flat shape material for fourth grade students of MI Amanatul Izzah, 2) To determine the improvement of understanding of flat-shaped materials through macromedia flash-based audio-visual teaching materials for fourth grade students. MI Amantul Izzah. The research method used is CAR using Kurt Lewin's model in which each cycle consists of four main components, namely: 1) Planning, 2) Action, 3) Observation, and 4) Reflection. The results of the study on the application of macromedia flash-based audio-visual teaching materials to the fourth grade students of MI Amanatul Izzah were very good. This can be seen from the results of the final value of the teacher's activity in the first cycle of 61.71 and the second cycle of 79.68. The final score of student activity in the first cycle is 62 and the second cycle. The average value of the pre-cycle class was 65.64, the first cycle was 70.42 and the second cycle was 90.78. The percentage of pre-cycle learning completeness is 30%, the first cycle is 70%, the second cycle is 90% with a very good category and has met the specified performance indicators.</em></strong></p> 2022-03-10T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## IMPLIKASI KHATM KHWAJIGAN PADA KESALEHAN SOSIAL BAGI PENGIKUT TAREKAT QADIRIYYAH WA NAQSYABANDIYYAH DUSUN PESALAKAN BANDAR BATANG 2024-05-10T08:24:59+00:00 Muhammad Nasirin Ahmad Muzakki <p><em>This research is motivated by the decline in social aspects in the order of social life. In this era of globalization, people are increasingly showing apathy towards the values of social solidarity. This is characterized by an individualistic life style and acting as they please, only using their personal ego without carring about their empathy for other. The tarekat Qodiriyyah wa Naqsabandiyyah through its Khatm Khawajigan provides a formulation for followers to always prioritize character and morality. Tarekat believed to be a Sufi organization capable of growing and reflecting moral and social values in life. By looking at the background of the problem that the author put forward, several formulations of the problem arise. First, what is the practice taught in Khatm Khawajigan?, Second, how does Khatm Khawajigan’s activities affect social piety in society? This study uses a direct field observation methodology (field research). The purpose of this study is to describe the implications of Khatm Kwajigan’s activities on social piety for followers of the Tarekat in Dusun Pesalakan. The method used this cresearch descriptive analytical method, using social approach. The subjects in this study were the congregation who participated in Khatm Khawajigan activities using purposive sampling. Meanwhile, the validity of the data was tasted through triangulation techniques. The results of this study indicate that: (1) In the Khatm Khawajigan’s activity, a lot of dzikir&nbsp; reading are read, besides that there is a lavy for charity jariyah and it is closed with mauidzatul hasanah. (2) In its implication, Khatm Khawajigan’s activities on Social Piety for followers of the Qadriyyah wa Naqsabandiyyah Tarekat in Hamlet Pesalakan can be seen from several Indications, caring for others, creating household hamony, maintaining ukhuwah, and helping each other.</em></p> 2022-03-10T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGEMBANGAN KURIKULUM BERBASIS PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER 2024-05-10T08:24:59+00:00 Suriadi adi Samsuri <p>Pelaksanaan pengembangan kurikulum berbasis pendidikan karakter diimplementasikan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran, pengembangan budaya sekolah dan pusat kegiatan belajar, kegiatan ko-kurikuler dan ekstrakurikuler serta kegiatan keseharian di rumah dan masyarakat. Pada konteks yang sama, secara lebih luas perencanaan pengembangan pendidikan budaya dan karakter bangsa dirumuskan melalui tiga program, yaitu: program pengembangan diri; pengintegrasian dalam mata pelajaran; dan budaya sekolah. Dari program tersebut, terdapat beberapa aspek yang mesti diperhatikan dalam proses pelaksanaannya. 1) Pendidikan karakter adalah pendidikan yang mengukir karakter (akhlak) melalui proses knowing the good, loving the good, acting or doing the good yaitu proses melibatkan aspek kognitif, emosi dan fisik sehingga akhlak mulia bisa terukir menjadi habit of the mind, heart dan hands. Merupakan proses yang dilakukan untuk membentuk kepribadian peserta didik menuju perilaku-perilaku tertentu yang diharapkan sehingga menjadi kebiasaan tertanam dalam kehidupannya, 2) Pendidikan karakter maupun pengembangan kurikulum berbasis karakter pada prinsipnya memiliki landasan yang cukup jelas, baik ditinjau dari landasan preskriptif (ideal) maupun deskriptif (logis-empiris), 3) Pengembangan kurikulum berbasis karakter setidaknya memiliki dua makna, yakni kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Secara kuantitatif, pengembangan kurikulum berbasis karakter meliputi internalisasi nilai-nilai karakter ke dalam kegiatan pembelajaran, pengembangan budaya sekolah dan pusat kegiatan belajar, kegiatan ko-kurikuler dan ekstra kurikuler serta kegiatan keseharian dalam masyarakat. Secara kualitatif, semua peristiwa baik di sekolah atau di masyarakat yang memberikan pengaruh pada perubahan kepribadian meliputi sikap, pengetahuan dan pengalaman subyek didik ke arah yang lebih baik.</p> 2022-03-10T17:13:20+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## THE ROLE OF ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOLS IN THE ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT OF STUDENTS (Case Study at Sunan Drajat Paciran Lamongan Islamic Boarding School) 2024-05-10T17:22:57+00:00 Abdul Fatah Syamhadi Syamhadi Nining Sofiyatun Nurih Hofifatul Qoyyimah Riskawati Sari Dewi <p>Islamic boarding school of Sunan Drajat Paciran Lamongan is one of the boarding schools that have successfully developed an economic program that aims to empower the students. Sunan Drajat boarding school aims to transform the social life of society, both the education, da'wah of Islam and social. In the economic context, boarding school has successfully applied economic concepts that tend to be mu'amalah be iqtishadiyyah (economic) application concept. This study aims to determine the role of boarding school Sunan Drajat in the economic empowerment of students (santri). This research uses qualitative approach with case study model. While the method used is explanative explaining how the role of boarding school Sunan Drajat in conducting economic empowerment of students. Methods of data collection used, among others, by observation, interview and documentation. Interviews were conducted in three categories: chiefs of Islamic boarding, students(santri), and community. The results of this study indicate that the role of boarding school Sunan Drajat in an effort to empower students (santri) divided into two namely; empowerment through education and empowerment through skills and entrepreneurship training</p> 2022-02-17T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## THE EFFECT OF SERVICE QUALITY ON AND LOYALTY OF ELECTRONIC USERS MAAL (E-MAAL) ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE AT BASMALAH SHOPS IN BONDOWOSO REGENCY 2024-05-10T17:21:12+00:00 Nur Muhammad Muhammad Zainur Ridho Moh Rizqi Mardotillah Mardotillah Fita Habibatul Awalia <p>Good service quality will be a motivating factor for consumers to use the E-Maal card product which is part of the Toko Basmalah program. Where in the service there is an element of Shari'ah offered. With good service quality will create satisfied users so that the benchmark of something that is felt and received through various services provided by service providers, which is in accordance with the expectations desired by consumers. Loyalty, conveying positive things and recommending products that are a form of loyalty by consumers/users to E-Maal products. For this reason, the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of service quality on user satisfaction and loyalty from an Islamic perspective at the Basmalah Store in Bondowoso, to determine the effect of service quality on user satisfaction, the effect of service quality on user loyalty and the effect of satisfaction. on user loyalty (E-Maal). The method used in this research is quantitative with an explanatory research approach, with a sample of 110 respondents. While the sampling used incidental sampling. data analysis using path analysis with F test and t test. Hypothesis testing was carried out with the help of the Statistical Package for the (SPSS) software version 24. Service quality had a positive effect on user satisfaction, service quality had a positive effect on user loyalty, and user satisfaction had a positive effect on user loyalty.</p> 2022-02-17T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## REALIZATION OF AUDIOVISUAL METHODS IN LEARNING ARABIC SPEAKING SKILLS 2024-05-10T17:23:27+00:00 Nurfaiza Nurfaiza Azisi Azisi <p><em>There are students in the school environment who don't speak Arabic anymore, although it is an obligation for them. This is a problem because the learning goal does not go well. All Arabic language teaching in the school environment should be as much as possible adapted to the success of students, namely speaking Arabic fluently and fluently. In this phenomenon, the school uses audiovisual methods to familiarize students with Arabic communication in the school environment, based on a theoretical basis: Arabic is speech, not writing. The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of audiovisual methods in the learning of Arabic communication. This research is in the form of field research with descriptive qualitative methods and theoretical approaches. The results of this study show the realization of audiovisual methods based on behavioral theories developed by Skinner, behind the realization there is a problem and solution, namely: Students find it difficult to listen to Arabic sounds using recordings recorded in class at the beginning of the lesson because they are not used to it. Solutions to encourage this problem teachers and schools should develop and practice such methods over time methods so that students do not get bored and become habitual.</em></p> 2022-02-17T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##